1 Jan 2014


A lot has changed over the last year and with the end of university looming, I don't expect 2014 to be any less eventful. I've been thinking about a few things which I will formally call 'resolutions' but are more just aims and ideas for the coming months, recorded here for posterity/to hopefully look back at this time next year and cross off my list.

1) Graduate university with a 2.1: I'm hoping out of everything this is the one that will definitely happen and so far it doesn't seem too impossible (famous last words).

2) Blog regularly: I've decided that I want this to be a general lifestyle blog. It might not be anything ground-breaking, and my bank balance certainly will not allow me to become the next big beauty blogger, but I rather like having a little corner of the internet to call my own and I hope 2014 will be the year I really commit to it.

3) Finish books: I love reading, but one of my worst habits is starting a book and then never finishing it. I could be a chapter in or half way through, but somehow I will, nearly every time, neglect the book. I am determined to distinguish this terrible habit and finish the 5 or 6 books I have on the go before committing to any new ones.

4) Do more offline: this one links to my above promise to read but slightly contradicts my commitment to blog more; the other day I was wondering how many days of my life must have been taken up by the online world. Whether it was neopets when I was 8, the gruesome Myspace years, or my current addiction to instagram, facebook and twitter, I have always been very into the online world. I love being constantly updated on the lives of people, both those I know and those I don't. However, it probably isn't okay to have palpitations at the thought of being disconnected from the internet. I'm going to make an effort to experience as many things as I can this year and, shock horror, maybe not even take a photo with the intention of instragramming it later... although I can't promise anything, life just looks better with the 'valencia' filter.

5) Figure out my post-university plan: This is the one I try not to think about. When people ask what I want to do after uni, they are met with a look of sheer terror. I've never had a specific job in mind, I don't have a particular passion to continue into post-grad study, and while I know it sounds awfully naive, the many graduate schemes I see my friends applying for really don't appeal to me. My current basic plan is to move back home, get any job I can in order to build up money and then go travelling. I'm hoping that living at home will last about six months and then I can head off wherever I want to go. However, I should probably figure out where it is I want to go. There are so many places I would love to visit that I don't even know where to start. Should I try to get a job in a hostel? Should I just go live in a new city and work a random job? The possibilities are endless and I am terrible at making decisions.

I think that's enough to work on for now. In fact, I think I need to go lie down..

Do you have any new years resolutions?

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