18 May 2014

Don't you forget about me

As I mentioned in my last post, I'm firmly in exam period (10 days to go until my degree is over!) and I think I'm starting to go a little mad with the lack of regular human contact. Naturally, in the midst of this existential crisis, I thought what better time than now to let those kind souls who read my blog know a bit more about me. So here you are, a few (pointless) facts about yours truly:
  1. When I was a child I had a pet guinea-pig that I named Harvey; his namesake was, of course, the character from Sabrina the teenage witch.
  2. I have never been blessed with musical talent. Apart from my ability to play the eastenders theme tune on the recorder.
  3. I'm pretty skilled at hula-hooping.
  4. I'm allergic to walnuts; despite this I made my dad his favourite coffee and walnut cake when I got my nose pierced so he couldn't stay mad at me and managed to make my face swell up in the process.
  5. I have double-jointed elbows.
  6. I've never dyed my hair- for all the little things I'd like to change about myself, I actually really like my hair colour, which after countless conversations over it has now been categorised firmly as the definition of strawberry blonde.
  7. I'm a virgo. I sort of believe in the whole star signs thing- though not the standard 'wear pink on the 13th of the month and you'll meet the love of your life' magazine type- but I am pretty close to the typical virgo description in that I like to be organised and can be pretty critical, but I like to think I'm loyal too.
  8. I used to have a pretty bad fear of hotel beds. I know, it's bizarre, but to me the fact that they're so perfectly made makes them feel somehow..unclean. I'm sort of over it now, as in I can actually get into them (I used to sleep on top of the covers) but they still make me feel a bit weird.
  9. I have a bit of a 'shot glasses from around the world' collection including Paris, New York, Amsterdam, Munich and Dublin. 
  10. My phone case has 'The Kiss' by Gustav Klimt on it and I also have a poster of that print in my room. I first saw it in an art gallery in Munich with my two best friends from home and it just makes me happy. 

I think that's enough unnecessary facts for one day; now it's time for me to get back to learning some very necessary facts...

8 May 2014

April fool

My sincere apologies for the gap since my last post. I know not too many people are hanging on my every word here but I like to keep things consistent. However I feel my excuse is fairly legitimate; it's that time of year again where I forget how to dress properly and a weekly trip to sainsburys is the only time I see daylight- yes, the exam period is upon us. Specifically, the final ever exam period I will ever have the pleasure of experiencing.

April flew by in a haze of fluorescent highlighter and multi-coloured spider diagrams, chained to my desk. I don't know about you but I have no idea how people find the library to be a good place to revise. Personally I find the best way is to recite what you're trying to learn out loud in different voices. Granted I must sound a little insane to my housemates but I'm sure they've got used to my incoherent rambling by now. I intended to make this post my (slightly belated) end of the month catch up, but honestly I don't have much to say about the last month. I also realised I never did a March catch up either (please don't hurt me) so I'll just give you a quick run-down of the things that are keeping me sane.

TV programme: When I'm revising I need something easy to watch in my breaks. This time I've chosen Sabrina the teenage witch. The whole thing is on youtube and I have no shame in saying I'm loving my choice, despite how ridiculously fake looking Salem is.

Exercise: I'm trying out the whole 'healthy body, healthy mind' idea at the moment and I never thought I'd say this but I'm starting to enjoy a bit of exercise. Now that I'm back at uni I've suspended my running habit as everyone else here seems to be able to run 5k and barely break a sweat; however I have started doing blogilates videos every other morning and I actually feel quite good for it, although it's a good job I'm spending the majority of my life sat down as most days my stomach muscles ache where I didn't know it was possible for them to.

Online shopping: The combination of student loan and exam period is not a good one. Unfortunately I can't justify a day in town, but I'm pretty sure the big dogs at ASOS must have caught on to it being exam time as they've been rolling out the discount offers every few days. So far in the last few weeks I've bought a blouse, two dresses, a pilates mat and a re-usable water bottle. There's just something about anticipating a parcel in the post that makes being chained to your desk all day er'day slightly less soul-destroying.

I think I should just end this post here as I feel like if it continues I might just end up smashing my hands on the keyboard in the hopes of something legible appearing. Don't worry, in three weeks time I'll be back to being able to use my full brain capacity to write about the happier things (read: food) in life. Pray for me that I make it that far without my brain imploding/making myself bankrupt...